Monday, June 19, 2006

The Draft Rule

Rule of the Militia of Christ the King
Chapter I
The nature and object of the Militia
I-1. The Militia of Christ the King, is an association of the male faithful living in the world, who strive to serve the Church and Her King, the Lord Jesus Christ.
I-2. The object of the Militia is to form a cadre of trained knights to provide leadership for the Catholic Resistance when the need comes.
I-3. The means of attaining this end are, besides the accomplishment of the ordinary precepts and the duties proper to one's state: the observance of this Rule, especially prayer and study, the practice of mortification, and physical and military training according to one's particular state or condition in life.
I-4. The assemblies into which the Militia is divided are called Commanderies. One may, however, for a special reason, be received into the Militia without being incorporated in any particular Commandery.
Chapter II
Concerning those to be received and the conditions required
II-1. In the first place, since the spiritual and physical prosperity of the Militia depends generally on the reception into it of well disposed persons, no one shall be admitted into the Militia unless, in the prudent judgment of the Director, he has been proved, after careful investigation and sufficient test, to be a Catholic of devout life and good repute, sincerely desirous of striving after Christian perfection, and gives good reason to hope, especially if he be young, that he will persevere in his good resolution. Moreover, as a true spiritual son of St. Dominic, he must strive to be an ardent and zealous promoter of the truth of the Catholic Religion, and exemplary for his loyalty to the Church and the Roman Pontiff.
II-2. Only men, can be received into the Militia of Christ the King, provided that they have completed their eighteenth year or, if the Knight Vice-Commander for a just reason should so permit, at least their seventeenth year.
II-3. Those who have power to admit aspirants to the Militia are:
(a) The Grand Commander of the Militia.
(b) The lawfully appointed Knight Vice-Commander of a Commandery of the Militia or an Officer delegated by him in each case for his own Commandery:
II-4. For the reception of anyone into a particular Commandery of the Militia, the consent of the Council of that Commandery is required as well as that of the Director.
Chapter III
The Uniform of the Militia
III-1. The dress uniform of the Militia shall consist of dark blue trousers, light blue shirt and red beret.
III-2. The Members of the Militia ordinarily, however, wear, instead of the full uniform, a small Cross of the Militia.

Chapter IV
Reception into the Militia
When the time of probation has expired, the Prospective Recruit may be received by the Director, or by his delegate, in some suitable place, according to the ceremonial of the Militia, in the presence of at least some members of the Commandery. But, if the Prospective Recruit is not to be assigned to any particular Commandery, he may be received without the presence of witnesses.
Chapter V
Of Recruits and Profession
V-1. Before being admitted to Profession, the Recruits must spend one year under the direction of the Drill Master studying the Rule, in order to acquire a knowledge of their obligations, strive to assimilate the spirit of the Militia and advance themselves in military skills.
V-2. When the year of probation is finished, or even sooner if exceptional circumstances demand it, the Recruit, with the consent of the majority of the Council of the Chapter, may be received to Profession by the Director.
V-3. Those who have been privately admitted to the Militia can be received to Profession according to the prudent judgment of an Officer duly authorized to receive them.
V-4. The Profession consists in an Oath, to live according to the Rule of the Militia of Christ the King.
V-5. The form of the Oath is as follows:
To the honour of Almighty God, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, and of the Blessed Virgin Mary, St Martin, St Sebastian and Blessed Louis the Crusader King, I, . . . , in the presence of you, my superior officers, as representatives of the Grand Commander of the Militia, do swear that henceforth I will live according to the Rule and manner of the Militia of Christ the King until death and that I am willing to lay down my life in defense of our Holy Church, our Holy Father and the Catholic Faithful
V-6. In every Commandery there shall be a book in which are registered the names of its members and the dates of their swearing in. Those who receive Members of the Militia privately must send the same information to the Knight Vice-Commander of the Province in which the Member of the Militia habitually resides, or to the Superior from whom they received the faculty.
V-7. The Members of the Militia, after their Profession, which is for life, are bound to persevere in this Militia
Chapter VI
Prayers of the Militia
Members of the Militia shall recite each day the Rosary of our Blessed Queen and Mother. In addition they shall recite the following prayers:
Prayer to Christ the King

O CHRIST, JESUS, I acknowledge Thee as Universal King.
For Thee all creatures have been made. Do Thou exercise
over me all the rights that Thou hast.

Renew my Baptismal Vows, I renounce Satan,
with all his works and pomps, and I promise to live as a
good Catholic: Especially, do I pledge myself, by all
the means in my power, to bring about the triumph of the
rights of God and of Thy Church.

Divine Heart of Jesus, I offer Thee all my poor actions to obtain
that all hearts may recognize Thy Sacred Royalty, and that thus the
reign of Thy Peace may be established throughout the entire world.

Soldier's Prayer (St. Ignatius)
Teach us, good Lord, to serve Thee as Thou deservest:
To give, and not to count the cost;
To fight, and not to heed the wounds;
To toil, and not to seek for rest;
To labor, and not to ask for any reward, save that of knowing that we do Thy will.

A Mortification of the Flesh
Lord, thou didst teach us that all flesh is as grass.
Create in me a discerning heart, and invigorate my soul, to rule over the physical strength which Thou hast granted me.
Make my body an instrument of my spirit, and make my spirit an instrument of Thy will.

Prayer for Persecuted Christians
Father, in Thy mysterious providence, Thy Church sharest in the sufferings of Christ, Thy Son.
Give the spirit of patience and love to those who are persecuted for their faith in Thee,
And grant the Knights of this Militia the faith, courage, and constancy to protect them.

Chapter VII
Confession, communion and other pious exercises
32. The Members of the Militia shall, unless legitimately hindered, approach the Sacraments of Penance and the Holy Eucharist at least twice each month. But if they do so more frequently, and even daily receive the most Holy Body of Christ, their devotion is to be commended.
33. Members of the Militia should make very possible effort to assist daily at the most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, and piously and attentively with the priest who is celebrating.
34. Let them be particularly and lovingly devoted to the Blessed Virgin Mary, most faithful Patroness of the whole Militia, to her Spouse St. Joseph, to St Martin, St Sebastian and St Louis.
35. Let them behave with great reverence in Church, especially during the celebration of the Divine Offices, and be an example to all the faithful.
36. It is greatly to be desired that in each Commandery a Retreat of not less than three days be made at least once a year.
Chapter VIII
In addition to the fasts and abstinences prescribed by the Church, the Members of the Militia, who are not impeded from doing so, shall fast on the vigils of the feasts of the most Holy Rosary, St Martin, St Sebastian and St Louis.
Chapter IX
Reverence towards prelates and clergy
Members of the Militia should show the greatest reverence towards their Bishop and Parish Priest, and faithfully accomplish their duties towards them in accordance with local laws or customs. Let them hold in esteem the other clergy also, according to the dignity and official position of each.
Chapter X
40. Following the example of the Crusader King, St Louis IX, Members of the Militia should be animated with an ardent and generous desire for the glory of God and the defense of our Holy Church, our Holy Father and the Christian Faithful.
41. Mindful of the traditions of our forefathers, the Members of the Militia should labour by word and deed for the truth of the Catholic Faith, for the Church and the Roman Pontiff, proving themselves their valiant defenders in everything and always. Let them be prepared to lay down their lives in this defense.
42. They should devote themselves, under the direction of their Officers, to works of physical training and the study of military subjects, either singly or collectively, according to the circumstances of the time and local necessities, and as far as their condition and capacity will permit.
Chapter XI
Visiting and assisting the sick
Let visitors of the sick be appointed in the Commandery, who, according to the wish of the Director, may charitably visit the sick brethren and endeavour to assist them spiritually and temporally.
Chapter XII
Death of the brethren and suffrages
45. The death of a member of a Commandery shall be announced as soon as possible to the other members, who, unless lawfully prevented, should personally attend the obsequies for the deceased.
46. Moreover, within eight days from the receipt of the notice of the death, each member of that Commandery shall recite a third part of the Rosary, hear one Mass and apply one Holy Communion for the soul of the deceased.
47. Each Member of the Militia shall daily say one Pater, Ave and Requiem for the living and dead of the whole Militia.
48. Besides, each Member of the Militia shall annually have celebrated, or at least assist at, three Masses for the welfare of the Members of the Militia, both living and dead.
Chapter XIII
The superiors of the Militia
49. The Militia of Christ the King is placed under the direction and correction of the Grand Commander of the Militia, to whom as a consequence Commanderies, Chapters and individuals as well as all the Subordinate Officers are subject in all matters that pertain to their manner of life in accordance with the Rule.
50. Besides the Grand Commander of the Militia, Knights Vice-Commanders also within the limits of their own Commandery have, by reason of their office, jurisdiction over the Militia.
51. The Grand Commander of the Militia and Knights Vice-Commanders have the right to visit either personally or by delegates each Chapter once a year or even oftener if necessary. Whatever it may seem good to them to decide whether by way of counsel, admonition, ordination or correction, even including the deposition of an officer, should be accepted by each and all cheerfully and humbly.
52. Members of the Militia who are not members of any Chapter shall regard as their Superior the Grand Commander or the Knight Vice-Commander; while those who belong to a Chapter depend also on the Prior and the other Superiors of that Commandery.
54. The Prior is appointed for three years, on the expiration of which he may be re-appointed.
55. During his term of office, the Prior, as such, can discharge those duties which concern the training and spiritual direction of the Brethren.
Chapter XIV
The officials of the Chapter
57. In every Chapter there shall be a Prior, Subprior, Recruit Master, and other Officers and Councilors.
58. The Council of the Chapter may not exceed twelve in number. The Prior, Subprior and Recruit Master are, by reason of their office, members of this Council.
59. On the erection of a Chapter all the Officials are appointed by the Knight Vice-Commander; and also on the dissolution of the Council, which happens automatically as often as the whole Council or even the majority of the Councilors from any cause whatever retire from office.
60. The Officers and Councilors hold office for three years; but each year a third part of the Council shall be renewed by the Prior and the remaining Councilors. In the year, however, in which the Officers are to be renewed, the Council must first be completed, and then the Prior with the whole Council shall select the Prior and other Officials. In case of disagreement between the Prior and Council, recourse must be had to the Knight Vice-Commander.
Chapter XV
The office of Prior and of the other Officers of the Chapter
61. The office of Prior is carefully to see that the Rule is observed by all the members. He should also diligently note whether in the movements, comportment or dress of any member of his Commandery anything occurs which might be offensive to the eye. If he notice any of the members transgressing or even negligent, let him charitably admonish and correct them; or, should it seem to him more expedient, he may report the matter for correction to the Director of the Commandery.
62. In the absence of the Prior the Subprior takes his place.
63. The other Officials shall accomplish their respective duties according as particular customs and the needs of each Commandery may best determine.
64. The Council shall be summoned by the Prior, who presides at it, as often as the vote of the Council is required according to the Rule, or when any important matters according to its particular statutes have to be transacted
Chapter XVI
The meetings of the Brethren
65. Once a month, on a fixed day and hour, the Brethren of the Chapter shall assemble to hear a sermon from the Director, and to assist at Mass if the hour be suitable.
66. The Director shall read and explain the Rule to the Brethren, inform them of the matters to be discussed and point out and correct such negligences as he thinks fit before God, and in accordance with the Rule.
67 Let the suffrages for the living and the dead be said also, and absolution given from the faults committed against the Rule.
Chapter XVII
The correction of the Brethren
68. Should anyone be found guilty of a notable fault, and, after having been admonished by the Director, fails to amend, let him be corrected according to his condition and in proportion to the gravity or levity of his fault. He can even be temporarily excluded from the meetings of the Brethren; or even perpetually, with the consent, however, of the Commandery, if after one or two admonitions he does not amend; nor can he be again admitted without the Council of the Commandery.
69. Only the Grand Commander of the Militia or the Prior Knight Vice-Commander may, for serious reasons, expel a member from the Militia; and this, in case of grave scandal, even without admonition. [Cf. Canon 696]
Chapter XVIII
70. The Grand Commander of the Militia has full power to dispense from any precept of this Rule. Likewise, the Knight Vice-Commander within the limits of his jurisdiction, or even the Director in his Commandery, or their delegate, can dispense their Members of the Militia in special cases and for a reasonable cause.

Chapter XIX
The nature of the obligation of this Rule
71. The precepts of this Rule, except those which are divine or ecclesiastical, do not oblige Members of the Militia under pain of sin before God, but only to the punishment determined by the law or to be imposed by their commanding officers in accordance with the prescriptions of Chapter XVIII. Mindful, however, of their Oath, let all the Brethren observe the ordinations of this Rule by the help of the grace of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, Who with the Father and the Holy Ghost liveth and reigneth, God for ever and ever. Amen.


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